The compass groups our eight material ESG topics into focus areas – and does so twice over: at corporate level and at product & project level. It thus guides all of us on our way to more sustainability, including our internal sustainability organisation and, through individual product solutions, also our clients. The compass, which is integrated into our compass app, helps to analyse and define client needs with a view to sustainability requirements during project meetings.
Our sustainability compass’s focus areas are in part based on our materiality analysis, taking account of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the EU taxonomy’s environmental objectives. The objectives set out in our roadmap are based on these focus areas and apply to both the corporate level and the product and project level.
Our ultimate goal is to become best in class in this field. That comes with a tremendous responsibility, and we still have a lot to do. But we embrace the challenge. We are constantly striving for improvement, exploring innovative ideas and developing solutions that have a positive impact on both people and the environment.
Watch our film, which captures our commitment to sustainability and built world.
For us, sustainability goes hand in hand with functionality and cost-effectiveness. We design, build and operate future-oriented buildings with a focus on their entire life cycle. With the help of our GOLDBECK Blue Buildings, we already know from the initial concept phase how sustainable your commercial property will be – even during the use phase. Our Blue Buildings are particularly energy- and resource-efficient and ensure, that your new industrial building or office building meets all the latest sustainability standards right from the start. Convince yourself!
Those who do not make their real estates climate-friendly now, are putting their value at risk in the long term.
As a strong and trustworthy partner, we support our clients along the path to carbon-neutral operations. Our operational experts develop innovative and future-proof service concepts in close coordination with all stakeholders involved with the primary goal of making the life cycle of real estate as long-lasting and at the same time sustainable as possible.
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The Goldbeck Foundation supports projects in the fields of science and research, art and culture, as well as education and social affairs. The Foundation is particularly concerned with helping young people to successfully navigate their life paths. To this end, it promotes scholarships and supports educational work.
The Goldbeck Foundation is an expression of the social responsibility of the Goldbeck entrepreneurial family. The actions of the founders are based on the values of humanity, social solidarity, and the desire to contribute to the preservation of our environment