

GOLDBECK’s core competencies include building construction, refurbishment services and facility maintenance. We bring new things to life and offer fresh perspectives for existing properties. Our approach to our structures is similar to that of our core competencies. 


The time has come to pursue new paths together – and especially to offer a new professional outlook for women in a male-dominated industry. We proactively support the advancement of our new generation of female managers. The family phase is part of our long-term career planning. We make it possible for management positions to be carried out even in a part-time capacity.  


We firmly believe that we can achieve better and more innovative solutions by working together in teams that are diverse. We encourage you to take this path with us. After all, we haven’t yet reached the finish line. #BecauseICan 

Our way
portraitfoto einer frau mit kurzen blonden haaren und einer brille steht angelehnt an einer fläche

As part of our management development efforts, we offer our female managers a training course that covers special topics relating to women in management positions.


It includes aspects such as effective leadership styles, handling expectations, and the way women in leadership are perceived. The objective of this training offer is to give participants a forum for dialogue, reflection and sharing ideas. It also takes a look at specific opportunities for women in leadership at GOLDBECK.


Working in TANDEM takes us forward faster.

The TANDEM mentoring programme promotes the personal development of female employees on an individual basis. The one-year programme includes a kick-off meeting, interim meeting and final meeting for the entire cohort. Throughout the year, the participants are each supported by a mentor (male or female). These mentors have years of experience at GOLDBECK, including leadership experience, and are open for the mutual sharing of experiences in order to support the mentees’ personal development.



It’s never been about recipe-swaps, knitting or champagne brunches.
Here, it’s all about having the courage to take action.


The GOLDBECKwomen Network is a voluntary network open to all women at GOLDBECK. Founded in Bielefeld in 2014, the network is represented throughout Germany and is increasingly reaching our international colleagues as well.