Parking Services


Mobility & parking management

Car park operators have a lot of fundamental questions to consider. We are confident in our parking facility expertise, because: One of every two above-ground multi-storey car parks in Germany is built by GOLDBECK. More than 200 car parks with 100,000 parking spaces throughout Germany and Austria are managed and operated by our GOLDBECK Parking Services.


To make mobility convenient and efficient, we take a holistic approach to mobility and car park management. We offer customised service packages for every type of parking facility. In doing so, we secure the value of your property and drive future mobility technologies forward. Whether it’s free-flow solutions, e-charging infrastructure or a mobility app: our solutions are flexible, well thought out and aligned with the future of mobility.

Our strengths

We provide maximum parking convenience in car parks around the clock. Our aim: the right service at all times, the highest service quality, and all services from a single source.


  • Intelligent car park and mobility solutions
  • Flexible and networked software solutions
  • Scalable and future-proof e-charging solutions
  • A holisitc approach for long-term value retention


We support you throughout the entire life cycle of your parking property – individually, reliably and with a holistic view all the challenges.

A holistic approach to parking
With comprehensive services for your car park – geared towards the future of mobility
  • Our services

Maintenance & renovation

We will make your parking facility fit for the future – whether it's a multi-storey car park or an underground car park. As experts in the planning, construction and operation of pioneering car parks, we bring this expertise to the refurbishment and maintenance of parking properties.


We advise you on how you can economically modernise your property and offer you innovative existing building revitalisation concepts and their implementation, all from a single source. We support you throughout the entire life cycle of your parking property – individually, reliably and with a holistic view all the challenges.

+charge E-Mobility

Rising demand for e-mobility is creating new challenges. As well as an individual operating concept, you will also need reliable, holistic charging infrastructure. We will not leave you to face these challenges alone, but rather offer a practical combination of hardware, maintenance, operation and service. With +charge E-Mobility, we configure your customised service package and equip your building for the future.


E-charging made easy. Versatile and flexible solutions.

Sustainable Services

Those who do not make their real estates climate-friendly now, are putting their value at risk in the long term.


As a strong and trustworthy partner, we support our clients along the path to carbon-neutral operations. Our operational experts develop innovative and future-proof service concepts in close coordination with all stakeholders involved with the primary goal of making the life cycle of real estate as long-lasting and at the same time sustainable as possible.

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Get in touch!

Would you like to find out more about our GOLDBECK Parking Services? We will be pleased to send you further information.