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Save the best for last


Students have the opportunity to write their final dissertation in cooperation with our team. Generally speaking, the dissertation topic will follow on naturally from an internship or placement experience. The benefit of this is that you will have already developed a basic understanding of GOLDBECK, our products and processes and got to know the right person to help you if you have any queries.

All the facts at a glance

  • As a general rule, you must have already completed an internship (3 months) or placement with us
  • The content must be related to GOLDBECK, as it is important to us that your work represents added value and does not simply gather dust on a shelf
  • You can count on support and mentoring from your colleagues, both professionally and personally, because we are all familiar with the ups and downs that come with trying to write
  • To offer you some inspiration – and perhaps a little help – we will provide you with access to our database, which contains work that has already been completed on a wide range of topics
  • If a dissertation opportunity is advertised directly on our job market, no previous internship experience is necessary